Helping students and teachers think
and communicate better

Critical Thinking

Lacking confidence?
Reshape the way you think to produce quality, efficient results.

Servant Leadership

Struggling with purpose?
Learn to lead with strength, conviction, and compassion.

Academic Engagement

Uninspired direction?
Discover the joy of the classroom and how to flourish in any subject.

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

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Parents who believe K-12 schools should require critical thinking development courses.

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People who say servant leadership significantly improves their job satisfaction.

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Students who say they felt engaged during high school classes.

Youth Training

High School students are at one of the most pivotal junctures of one’s life. They have serious questions about colleges, vocations, where to live, who to marry, and religious beliefs. On top of that, they have so many more questions that they don’t even know to ask yet. These impressionable young men and women need guidance and advice. They also need the appropriate tools and the proper training to use them as they venture out on their own.

Frontline Academics’ Leadership Lab is designed to provide those tools and the necessary training to help high school students succeed at whatever they venture to do. We teach them to cultivate an unconventional method of critical thinking and problem solving that will serve them for the rest of their lives. We also show them how to use introspection and self-care to better themselves and become healthy, well-adjusted adults. Finally, we help them apply those tools to any current or future leadership roles they may hold as a servant to those around them. Our participants finish the program with the skills and tools needed to navigate our fast-moving society.

Adult Training

Are you a teacher or administrator? Have you found yourself asking how we got here? Technology is changing faster than we can keep up with and your students seem to know more than their parents about the world around them. The classroom used to be a safe haven where teachers could simply focus on helping students to apply curricula to memory. But not anymore. Today, educators are fighting with shorter attention spans, larger development gaps, and massive societal changes each day. It may seem like you are losing your grip on your students and/or your ability to communicate with them.

Frontline Academics’ Professional Development program offers a variety of training options that can be customized to your institution’s situation. From classroom management to discussion-based teaching. From helping dyslexic students to managing age-specific energy levels. From building efficient in-seat courses to designing effective online courses. Our goal is to help make your job easier. When the teacher enjoys teaching, the students enjoy learning. We focus on engagement and retention. We do that by helping teachers and administrators understand their students and work with them to cultivate a better learning environment.

A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.